In played order (more recent higher)
Last updated: 05.04.2009
Multiplayer RPG are something that new and excellent. Of cause if you must have
good internet connection. With some worlds and a few quests, much smaller then
plain single-player RPG, infinite monsters respawn, combined with mass multiplayer became real dope.
Contrary to the more popular MMORPG, LineAge 2 has a big advantage - there are
many free servers!
Good idea. But the first Black & White very soon becomes too difficult and boring. The second was tweaked to be more player friendly and got elements of very popular war-game.
Excellent FPS game. Rich environment. Battle together (real) with robots, aliens and comrades.
Something better than its predecessor, something lost. But the best anyway. Some hints for players: to lower culture differences in conquered cities - destroy or upgrade their culture buildings. The last official patch is 1.2, but community fixed some more errors, I recommend this patch (forum thread).
On of the best games I ever played! Although it looks like plain arcade game
it has the excellent spirit and atmosphere that makes you love it. Music that
requires immediate search in internet to download it and listen every time.
Lovely personages (even boar!) and their style of communication...
By the way, Caaarsoon and Peeeters! 10-4.
This one is the sample of the game merging with movie. And the result is excellent game. You really fill as involved in the story. Also it has some distinct features as "bullet-time" (from The Matrix movie effects).
The most extraordinary FPS-type game I ever seen! Deus-Ex 2 while having what called more realistic graphics and world model looks pale and boring comparing to TRON 2.
The best strategy/tactic wargame!
Impressed at the first look, but very soon became very boring :(. And the fact that you can not use party in the single mode makes this game to lose very much.
This is the same case as Civilization III. The next part to the one of the most popular games. It has new shining graphics and what very impresses - new RPG model (new classes/abilities/spells system) to provide excellent balance in game. Unfortunately on present time the heroes AI is simply very stupid.
Well, you always expect from the next part of the famous game series
some really great and impressive enhancements and in the same time you want
to keep the most part of the game untouched. The Civilization III in most keeps
the feel and style of its ancestors and not introduce much changes. But overall
effect is that you can no longer play in previous versions as it more
interesting, more graphic beautiful (Civilization III's interface is the most
compact and optimal I ever seen).
As usual you must install patches to be able really to get satisfaction from the
The best war plain simulator. Although it has some defects (very little) as in usability as
in realistic the most of it is very natural - feel like flying real (not arcade)
If you have SB Live soundcard - disable hardware voice manager - it will
significantly increase the speed of the game (I used maximal graphics settings)
or install the latest patches (at least 1.04).
It is very difficult to tell about you must see it and feel it. This world turns you crazy! All around you have vivid colors and constantly moves. When you want to open a door it is fly away and begins to play leap-frog, when you are going to pass through the room its floor becomes a puzzle and begins to jump, etc. And there are the most original level built like chess world - colors are black and white and of course you must move like chess figure!
Often reviewed as "HalfLife killer" and it is partly true due to the fact that it as HalfLife has the integrated story as the most attractive part of the game. There are many in game fan conversations which keeps you involved in the game and in the same time relax you, e.g. when you turn a corner you can see and hear two criminals discussing the correlation between beer and criminal... This game offers you two models of passing levels which you can use, it is "kill-m-all" or "be quiet", the later is most attractive: instead of running and firing you can snake behind enemies and photograph secret document just in meters to them! Although sometime computer AI is annoying you by for example detecting you through a very thick wall or at kilometer distance when you crunch behind a tree!
Very attractive game.
Due to the specific of the game - the see, the swinging horizon line, I very recommend to enable antialiasing on your videocard (of course if it supports it and is fast enough) - it will dramatically increase the quality of the picture while not significantly reducing frame rate. On my videocard, ASUS 6600 (GeFORCE based), I forced the antialiasing in all application and set its quality to 2 or 3 - it get excellent picture with almost no speed decrease in 800x600 resolution (in higher resolutions the speed drops more noticeably).
The best ADnD based RPG game.
My first real RPG game - now I know that how it must look, all other (like Diablo II) should not be called as RPG type as they do not have all the attributes. Also thanks to this game I have opened to myself the AD&D world...
Outstanding RTS (real-time strategy) + RPG (role-playing game). At the first look it is like good old WarCraft but what is very different is that you completely unable to control your units! Instead you can target the goals and prize, tax your people and etc. The game consist of some scenarios which you can pass (or fail) in any order you wish, some of them requires many tries and passion, especially expert level.
This is the great serial.
I think this game is the best RPG/Action game of the 1999 year. It looks like very improved Diablo, some guys even call such games as DPG :). But additionally it has many dialogs and very advanced fighting system, like in Mortal Combat with combos and etc.
If you experience slowness of hero movements or periodical stalls install the patch version 1.11e (beta). It also improves speed of levels loading.
I always liked to play in "trains" :)
Cool! It seems like best hybrid FPS+RPG. The only game that makes you really fear for anything every minute.